Accounting Outsourcing

Accounting or bookkeeping is a process to maintain books of account in companies or firms. A complete accounting gives us an observation of business like the outstanding, creditors, debtors, taxable amount, cash in bank, cash at hand and others. In today’s business environment, where GST, Income Tax and TDS have become a target oriented work in accounting and there is a great possibility to make mistakes in it we need professionals to do this. CAFTM is a complete solution to make this hassle free for any startups or any other form of business. A correct accounting helps to prepare balance sheets, profit and loss account and all other short ledgers.

Benefits of accounting outsourcing

  • Cost saving- It saves your amount as we charge 5 times less than an account personnel (employee).
    For example- Account personnel who are dexterous in their field will take 50k per month but CAFTM charges you 10k to 15k maximum(For new or very small businesses, we charge very less for accounting and taxation). Our work is done by highly experienced experts, so no mistakes take place in accounting and taxation.
  • No dependability on staff- Unavailability of employees or absent on work makes you worried. When you need any information or document related accounts, there is no person to provide you then your business suffers a lot and faces a critical condition. CAFTM gives you reliable business information and ledger on every weekend for the coming week or month so there is no need to depend on your employees in accounts.
  • Work done by experts- Our all works are done by practicing CAs or CMAs, so there is no any chance to occur any mistake. Infect, we remind you to make yourchallan for GST, TDS or anything which is needed. We don’t miss to file GST compliances before the due date.
  • Focus on core business- If you don’t have any problem in accounting than you can focus on your core business or marketing. Marketing is the back bone of a company and it completely depends on operation of business and accounting.
  • Helps in avail loans- A correct income of statement helps to make balance sheets and audit report. Loan facilitators take all these documents to provide you any loan facility, whether you are startups or registered under MSME.
  • Get free advice for tax management- With account outsourcing, we provide tax management advice to our clients for free. With the help of this a business can be established easily. Because tax management is a difficult task for any business house.

Accounting Terms

Works done by our professionals to keep your accounting smooth:

1. Maintaining of sundry Debtors
2. Maintaining of sundry creditors
3. Maintaining of salary and EPF
4. Bank Account Reconciliation
5. Maintaining of TDS in tally
6. All ledgers preparation e.g sales, purchase
7. Maintaining of GST in Tally
8. Special Observation on Outstanding
9. Loan Account maintenance
10. Special observation on Monthly Revenue
11. Special observation on sale’s & purchase’s graph
12. Maintaining of Cash Book and Capital Account
13. Maintaining of Cash Vouchers
14. Maintaining of live invoices by our software
15. Maintaining of salary slips and transfers of account in tally.
16. Other necessary entries in tally.